Thursday, August 13, 2015

Pelvic floor health resources

Over the past few months, we've written a few different blog posts talking about your pelvic floor. Check out our top five posts to learn more about your pelvic floor and how a physical therapist can help keep it healthy:

If you've been told you have pelvic organ prolapse, it can be scary. After all, what does it mean and how do you treat it? We cover all the details in this blog post.

Do you feel like you always have to go? Do you get a sense of urgency that you have to go to the bathroom as your keys turn in the lock? These are signs that your bladder is ruling your life. Learn what you can do to prevent this, and what your pelvic floor has to do with it.

The pelvic floor doesn't get the attention it deserves when talking about women's health, especially in terms of pregnancy. We share the importance of strengthening your pelvic floor muscles before, during and after pregnancy in this post.

Ever wonder what muscles make up the pelvic floor? And what happens when they stop working? Learn more in this post, as well as symptoms that indicate you may have pelvic floor dysfunction.

You've probably heard about kegels, but how do you know if you should do them? In this post, we share who should integrate kegels into their daily exercises and offer insight into how to do them, too.

Is your pelvic floor causing you pain? Contact me to discuss treatment options to reduce pain and help you live your best life. 

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