Friday, May 1, 2015

Pelvic floor and pregnancy

Even though it’s one of the most important muscle groups in the body, the pelvic floor doesn’t get a lot of attention. It is particularly important for pregnant women, as it plays an instrumental role during labor.

For some women, they can feel pain from a weak pelvic floor as early as 12 weeks into the pregnancy. This can cause other issues, like constipation or causing a weak bladder and leakage. Dealing with this, along with the other symptoms of pregnancy, can be overwhelming.

Luckily, you can practice strengthening your pelvic floor with a few different exercises. In addition, you can see a physical therapist (if you are in the Dallas area, come visit us!) that can provide the guidance you need to strengthen your pelvic floor.

At home, you can do several different exercises to build pelvic floor strength. Kegels are really good exercises that we recommend for women. These can be done at any point in your day.

To do kegels, squeeze the muscles around your vagina and anus by thinking about trying to pull the muscles up and in. These are the same muscles you use to stop the flow of urine or prevent gas from passing.

You will know if you are doing these right if you don’t feel any movement in your buttocks or abs. In addition, you should be able to isolate your pelvic floor so if you someone look at you while you were doing the exercises, they wouldn’t see you moving at all.

If you haven’t done any exercises like this before and if you are feeling pain in this region, it may take a while to build up strength. However, by focusing on these exercises, you can see great gains – and for pregnant women, it can make labor and recovery much easier.

Check out our previous articles about pelvic floor:

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