Saturday, May 16, 2015

Rules women should follow in their 30s

Hitting your 30s can be scary – it's a brand new decade into uncharted territory. And for many of us, when our parents were in their 30s, they seemed like they were so old!

I agree with the mantra that your 30s are your new 20s… and there are a few things that women can do to stay healthy and happy throughout this decade.

Build muscle: This is the decade where we begin to lose muscle mass if we don't fight it. Weight training, which has become more popular in recent years, increases metabolism in a decade where most women feel it slow.

Most important muscle groups to focus on? Arms, legs, back, stomach and of course, your pelvic floor! (P.S. See why I think Crossfit is a great workout for women!)

Get your sweat on: In addition to building muscle, make sure you spend some time focusing on your cardio workouts! Even if you only have 15 minutes a day to go for a run or a walk, it's needed to help you build your cardiovascular health and improve your overall health.

Drink more water: There are numerous benefits of drinking water, like improving the condition of your skin (preventing wrinkles) and flushing your body of toxins. Make sure you are getting at least half your body weight in ounces in water each day.

Stop the leak: At this point in your life, you've probably had a few times where you've laughed so hard that you've peed… a little. However, if this is happening more frequently in your life and has you concerned, talk to your doctor or physical therapist.

They can help you develop a kegel program to ensure that you have strong bladder muscles. After all, if you leave it uncorrected now, it can lead to more serious issues later in life.

Listen to your body: Running a few miles may be more painful than usual, and you may feel the strain when you lift a heavy box. Make sure you are listening to these warning signs from your body and slowing down to prevent serious injury. You'll thank yourself later!

Enjoy life: It can be easy to get into the hustle and bustle of life and miss out on those moments that create the greatest memories. Make sure you are spending time for yourself, developing hobbies or traveling to new destinations. A happy mind equals a happy body!

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