Sunday, September 20, 2015

The wellness benefits of yoga

September brings cooler temperatures (which I know all of Texas is excited for!), football and a celebration of yoga. This month marks National Yoga Month, a meditative movement practice that has become quite popular in the fitness world in recent decades. It's estimated that nearly 10 percent of American adults – or about 21 million – practice yoga.

Yoga itself offers a number of wellness benefits, including:
  • Improve balance: In August, we shared the importance of having good balance and it offers a number of benefits for people of all ages. Yoga can help support this and ensure that you are getting the balance training that you need.
  • Reduce stress: Yoga tends to focus on more than just the physical wellness of your body, but also the emotional fitness. Instructors will work to teach you how to clear your mind, which can help reduce stress and improve your mental health.
  • Improve flexibility: Perhaps one of the most well known benefits of yoga, the various movements within the type of exercise focus on stretching and engaging your muscles. As a result, you can improve your flexibility, which also feeds into improved fitness and balance.

Restorative yoga, which focuses on deep breathing and gentle progressive stretching, can be great for beginners on their yoga journey. It helps to reduce stress and anxiety, and also gradually builds your flexibility along the way.

When you choose a yoga class, engage with the teacher to understand his or her teaching style. A good teacher will show you modifications for your body so all levels can participate fully, meaning that if you are a beginner, you don't have to be nervous about attending your first class.

The benefits of yoga often are felt and enjoyed over time, so it may take a few classes to fully see any gains in your fitness – both physical and mental. In today's busy world especially, it can be hard to turn off your mind and experience the mental benefits of the exercise. Make sure to give it time.

As always, before engaging in physical exercise like yoga, make sure to see your doctor or give us a visit to determine a program that works best for your fitness level.

Have additional questions about yoga, or not sure what would be best for your current fitness level? Contact us at Beyond Therapy & Wellness for an evaluation. 

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